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Working on system overview

Step 1. Describe intended purpose

Add a description of the intended purpose of your system. When describing the intended purpose, it is important to specify the specific context in which the AI functions as well as the relevant conditions of use. Take some time to explicitly explain the aims, goals, key use cases and high-level functioning of your system.

  • What is the problem your system is solving?

  • What are the goals and aims of the system?

  • Who are the intended users of your product?

  • What is the form of the system placed in the market?

  • How does the system work at a high level?

  • What are the relevant limitations to your system?

The intended purpose can be edited in the system overview after registering a system.

System Shell Image Generation Empty version.png

Step 2. Assign risk and impact levels

Analyse and classify your AI system’s risk and business impact level. Also, add a justification of the selected risk and business impact levels. You will have the opportunity to adjust the AI system level risk and business impact levels after doing more detailed risk management and analysing the system components.

Step 3. Set lifecycle stage and team

Add the AI system Lifecycle stage by selecting the current stage and setting dates for different stages. Add team members to the AI system according to their roles and responsibilities. Adding a team member will enable them to edit AI system documentation. Changes performed by AI system team members will be visible in the system view.

Step 4. Add system components

Add system components:

  • Models by adding a model or selecting the model from the model database

  • Linked systems by adding a new system or selecting an existing system

  • Datasets, by adding a net dataset card or selecting an existing Dataset

  • Suppliers, by adding a supplier or selecting an existing Supplier

Any documents added to the system, linked systems, datasets or suppliers will be visible in the Systems view.

Systems view with added and linked information

System Shell Image Generation Filled version.png

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