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How to register a system

Step 1. Navigate to systems

Start system registration from the Systems view in the left navigation panel under Govern. Select Create system to start registering your system.

Step 2. Create system

Create the system by adding

  • The name of the system

  • Organisation role (provider or deployer)

  • The system context data (region, industry, system type, capabilities and tags)

The system context data will enable recommendations of applicable policies and related risks later in the process. You can change all of this information later.


Step 3. View systems

View your system inventory. Systems are classified based on the edit rights to editable and view-only systems. The Systems view includes basic information about the systems, including name, owner, risk and impact levels, and when the system was last updated.

Marketing Space systems.png

It is possible to edit system name, description and contact information after registering the system. The system can also be deleted by the owner.


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