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Getting started with Saidot

Saidot is a governance platform built for AI product teams to empower them to do high-quality AI governance efficiently.

We’ve designed our Saidot platform for teams building and deploying AI-based products, making the complex job of governance and compliance faster. With the help of Saidot, everyone participating in the development, deployment or use of AI-based products knows what is expected from them and how they can contribute to good governance and manage business and reputational risks.

AI governance shouldn’t come at the cost of innovation. With Saidot, AI product teams can focus more on the creative side of building AI while making use of our technology-enabled governance intelligence for faster and better-quality governance. Providing tools for governance workflows and tasks, policy management, risk management,  evaluation and monitoring, and reporting, our platform simplifies the process of implementing and maintaining ethical, safe, and lawful AI systems. 

On Saidot, companies' AI inventories are connected to Saidot’s AI governance knowledge graph. This connects companies’ AI governance into a continuously up-to-date knowledge base that enables them to reach compliance faster and conduct proactive risk management and oversight based on triggers. This will improve our customers' AI governance on the Saidot platform over time as we bring these dynamic insights and best practices relevant to our customers’ AI systems via recommendations.

Saidot Library

Saidot Library is a comprehensive knowledge base of information that is essential for implementing high-quality AI governance. Bringing together previously scattered information on AI governance key artefacts - policies, risks, models, and evaluations – into one easily accessible knowledge base, it pioneers a comprehensive and systemic knowledge base of the multifaceted AI governance landscape. Using this vast range of informative resources, businesses can ensure that they are following regulations and taking the necessary precautions to mitigate the risks associated with AI.

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Saidot Governance

Saidot Governance helps organisations to operationalise good governance and implement regulative requirements in the context of individual AI based products. Providing tools for lifecycle-based governance and tasks, risk management, policy management, evaluation and monitoring, and transparency, Saidot Governance simplifies the process of implementing and maintaining ethical, safe, and lawful AI systems portfolios.

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