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Release notes

This page documents production updates to the Saidot Platform. Check this page for announcements about new or updated features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality. We’re excited to welcome you to try our new product releases and hear what you think!

August 1, 2024

We’ve made available the release 3.0.0-BETA2, introducing the set of powerful COMPLIANCE FEATURES.

With this release, users can adopt AI policies from the world's leading AI policy library and implement templates to ensure their AI system compliance with AI laws such as the EU’s AI Act. Key features include

  • Policy and template recommendations: Receive recommended policies and templates based on their relevance to your organisation and system.

  • Add policies: Find and search policies from the Saidot Library and add them to your AI system.

  • Add templates: Find and access off-the-shelf templates with ready-made controls and add them to your AI system.

  • Policy editor and guide: Implement policies and collect evidence with a user friendly editor and built-in user guide.

June 14, 2024

We’ve made available the release 3.0.0-BETA, introducing the new SAIDOT GOVERNANCE.

Beta users can now access and explore the new Saidot Governance product, which includes the following new features:

  • Dataset Catalogue: Easily manage and browse through all your datasets for AI in one place.

  • Systems View: Get a comprehensive view of your entire AI portfolio at a glance.

  • System Overview: Govern your AI system and connect to Saidot Library.

  • System Risks: Manage your AI system risks efficiently.

June 13, 2024

We’ve released 2.0.0, bringing SAIDOT LIBRARY to general availability.

April 29, 2024

We’ve released 2.0.0-BETA.2 available to SAIDOT LIBRARY beta users.

This release brings you the following features:

  • Evaluations Library: Evaluation detail pages with Saidot and HELM evaluations for library models.

March 7, 2024

We’ve released 2.0.0-BETA, making ​SAIDOT LIBRARY available for beta users.

Beta users can now access and explore the new Saidot Library product, including the following features:

  • Feed: Get updates on the changes that matter to you.

  • Policy Library: Find, understand and monitor AI regulations and policies around the world.

  • Model Library: Find foundation models and understand their risks, performance and terms.

  • Evaluations Library: Find evaluations and compare model capabilities and safety.

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